This site is from a past semester!

tP comments dashboard

Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given. Updated weekly.

[This page was last updated on 2023-04-15 @01:05]

1. WANG..YANG @haoyangw (341 comments)

2. YEK ..OLAS @nichyjt (137 comments)

3. HONG..HANG @honglinshang (101 comments)

4. TAY ..YANG @tyuyang (77 comments)

5. CHEN..NXIN @wenxin-c (73 comments)

6. ONG .. JET @heejet (66 comments)

7. IRVI..BOER @irving11119 (50 comments)

8. EUGE..HING @EangJS (46 comments)

9. CHNG..UANG @L-K-Chng (41 comments)

10. DYLA.. JIE @ChubbsBunns (37 comments)

11. PERE..AMES @Magmanat (35 comments)

12. CHOO..HONG @choongzhanhong (34 comments)

13. LEE .. HAN @ltzehan (33 comments)

14. OONG..ARED @jaredoong (30 comments)

15. TAN .. LIN @T-Wan-Lin (30 comments)

16. ARTE..NGOH @ArtemiszenN (29 comments)

17. KISH..OKAN @kishore-a00 (29 comments)

18. WOO .. JUN @woowenjun99 (27 comments)

19. OW Y..XUAN @jinxuan-owyong (27 comments)

20. WANG..GBIN @YongbinWang (27 comments)

21. NG T..KEAN @HiIAmTzeKean (27 comments)

22. ONG .. LIN @lil1n (26 comments)

23. BENJ..MING @Bawfen (25 comments)

24. ARIF..ALID @Arif-Khalid (25 comments)

25. GOH ..XUAN @yixuann02 (25 comments)

26. ER J..N ZE @ERJUNZE (20 comments)

27. HUI ..CONG @YC-Michael (20 comments)

28. SURE.. RAM @TopGun2001 (20 comments)

29. POH .. PIN @firwer (19 comments)

30. LEO ..RREN @dsicol (19 comments)

31. CHUA..JUIN @wanjuin (18 comments)

32. POOB..SHMI @PoobalanAatmikaLakshmi (18 comments)

33. VU V..DUNG @joulev (15 comments)

34. STEI..THEW @jacob-stein1 (15 comments)

35. LEE ..XUAN @itszhixuan (14 comments)

36. AUNG..AING @Aung-Phone-Naing (14 comments)

37. TAN .. WEI @TJW0911 (14 comments)

38. NG Y..I DA @ngyida (14 comments)

39. NG Y.. FEI @ollayf (13 comments)

40. MANO..AJAN @Manoj364 (12 comments)

41. WONG..IANG @ZhongXiangWong (12 comments)

42. CALE..A LE @calebcjl (12 comments)

43. RYUJ..E SI @Ryujikjs (12 comments)

44. CHAO..I-JU @chao2048 (12 comments)

45. TANG..DONG @EthanYidong (12 comments)

46. HO Z..LENN @ghzr0 (11 comments)

47. REYN.. LAM @Reynold-SL (11 comments)

48. SEET.. WEN @SSzeWen (11 comments)

49. VINI..AVYD @DavidVin357 (10 comments)

50. ZHAN..SHAN @zzs-redcocoon (10 comments)

51. KAEM..NGYU @KN-CY (10 comments)

52. ANG ..RREN @darrenangwx (9 comments)

53. VISH..SHNU @vishnuvk47 (9 comments)

54. TIAN..XING @tsx0314 (9 comments)

55. SIUT..MENT @clement559 (8 comments)

56. KEAN..ZHAO @typingpanda (7 comments)

57. KHOO.. RUN @khooyourun (7 comments)

58. CLEO..FENG @cleoncheng2000 (7 comments)

59. NICH..OWEN @nicholas132000 (7 comments)

60. TEO ..ADEN @adenteo (7 comments)

61. ONG .. KAI @ong-ck (7 comments)

62. ZHAN..ANXU @danxuZhang (7 comments)

63. POH ..AMIN @BenjaminPoh (7 comments)

64. MATT.. JIE @matthew-liu-zhenjie (6 comments)

65. ZENG..IQIU @ZiqiuZeng (6 comments)

66. CHON..RONG @ChongQiRong (6 comments)

67. VARA..NESH @Vignesh-30 (5 comments)

68. THOM..ALBA @thomasjlalba (5 comments)

69. CHEN.. HAN @ZIZI-czh (5 comments)

70. CHEN..NITA @JuneNita (5 comments)

71. LIU ..YANG @liuziyang020319 (5 comments)

72. LEON..CHAO @Chick3nBoy (4 comments)

73. NIKH..DHAR @nikkiDEEE (4 comments)

74. GAN ..YANG @Gan868611 (4 comments)

75. SONG..IJIN @SongZijin (4 comments)

76. MITC..LVIN @mitchmalvin1 (4 comments)

77. KRIS..HWAN @kristianachwan (4 comments)

78. TANG..HAWN @shawntangy (3 comments)

79. SEOW..HENG @RuiShengGit (3 comments)

80. ZHOU..UIQI @Stella1585 (3 comments)

81. DIVA..SHRI @manushridiv (3 comments)

82. YONG..LING @ysl-28 (3 comments)

83. UDAY..ETHA @NivethaUdayakumar (3 comments)

84. LEE ..RIEL @azriellee (3 comments)

85. LOH .. HOE @lohjooh (2 comments)

86. LIM .. YAO @LimHongYao (2 comments)

87. NG K.. WEN @ngkaiwen123 (2 comments)

88. LIM ..RREN @darrenlsx (2 comments)

89. PANG.. JIE @pyongjie (2 comments)

90. LINU..A HE @linuspuah (2 comments)

91. LIU ..AOGE @xiaoge26 (2 comments)

92. GRAC..G YU @GraceZhuXY (2 comments)

93. LU B..YUAN @notbingsu (2 comments)

94. GERO..AUME @guillaume-grn (2 comments)

95. RAYD..XUAN @raydent30 (2 comments)

96. DOU ..IHAO @douph810975 (2 comments)

97. TAN ..OONG @TzeLoong (1 comments)

98. LIM ..RONG @Zeno-Zr (1 comments)

99. RICH.. JUN @SpawnageLoong (1 comments)

100. SENT..IRAM @sriram-senthilkr (1 comments)

101. WU Z..ZHEN @wuzhzn (1 comments)

102. TAN ..RIAN @briantjs00 (1 comments)

103. DENN..KANG @dendendenden04 (1 comments)

104. BENJ.. TOH @bentohset (1 comments)

105. TAY ..YUAN @TayJiunYuan (1 comments)

106. YAO ..O HE @Sherlock-YH (1 comments)

107. JU C.. CAN @Ju-Can (1 comments)

108. CHEW.. MAX @MuxPotato (1 comments)

109. MUTH..AVYA @11-Navya (1 comments)

110. ZENG..CKIE @Jjzeng123 (1 comments)

111. LIN ..G YA @jingyaaa (1 comments)

112. KONG..EHAO @kdh3799 (0 comments)

113. KOH ..G EN @MingEn82 (0 comments)

114. MUTH..KHIL @lihka1202 (0 comments)

115. PANG..MING @Rayleigh47 (0 comments)

116. LEON..PANG @YatPang (0 comments)

117. ENG ..VIEL @avielcx (0 comments)

118. FOO ..ROME @jeromeongithub (0 comments)

119. ZHAN..TONG @Zhang-Zhitong (0 comments)

120. CHEN..RALD @Jeraldchen (0 comments)

121. BRAN.. WEI @brennanzuz (0 comments)

122. KHAI..ALIM @kairuler (0 comments)

123. TAN ..RETH @Geeeetyx (0 comments)

124. EU Z..G XI @euzhengxi (0 comments)

125. CLEO.. WEI @Khulon (0 comments)

126. LEE ..SENN @Ansenn (0 comments)

127. CHIA..XUAN @chiayuxuan (0 comments)

128. LEON..WENG @leonghuenweng (0 comments)

129. EE J..ARED @jared-ee (0 comments)

130. GAU ..RALD @jeraldgau (0 comments)

131. MUST..SAIN @MustafaAH10 (0 comments)

132. TOH ..FENG @Toh-HongFeng (0 comments)

133. SAMU.. WEE @Samueltansw (0 comments)

134. THAN..NYAN @thant (0 comments)

135. GOH ..ARON @GohJW (0 comments)

136. WILS.. WEI @WilsonLee2000 (0 comments)

137. CHUA.. WEI @pinyoko573 (0 comments)

138. SHAN.. TAN @shannentan (0 comments)

139. NG Y..ZHEN @Ng-YZ (0 comments)

140. OH Y..LSON @WilsonOh (0 comments)

141. HUNG..MENT @hyperbola-bear (0 comments)

142. LEE ..OSES @moseslee9012 (0 comments)

143. LI M..YUAN @mingyuannus (0 comments)

144. TAN .. ZHE @tanyizhe (0 comments)

145. TENG..-KAI @iantenkai (0 comments)

146. HAMA..HIRO @Masahiro21 (0 comments)

147. YAN ..AIYA @skyanzy (0 comments)

148. SEBA..ANTO @SebastianSoewanto (0 comments)

149. KIM .. WON @coregano (0 comments)

150. ZHAO..IUQI @alexgoexercise (0 comments)

151. NGUY.. ANH @quanganh2810 (0 comments)

152. WANG..LANG @JangusRoundstone (0 comments)

153. BUI .. NAM @arsdorintbp2003 (0 comments)

154. STEV..KITO @stevenantya (0 comments)

155. DEEP..AWAN @DeepanjaliDhawan (0 comments)

156. CHEW..ACEY @kaceycsn (0 comments)

157. HRIT..ENON @hrithie (0 comments)

158. CHON.. RUI @chongyongrui (0 comments)

159. BERN..ENDY @BernardLesley (0 comments)

160. VARN..TAVA @varnika1402 (0 comments)

161. RICH..AWAN @Richardtok (0 comments)

162. ZHAN..ENZE @kyrixn (0 comments)

163. NGUY..HANG @Mnsd05 (0 comments)

164. RYAN.. TAN @Thunderdragon221 (0 comments)

165. FAN ..XIAN @FanZixian (0 comments)

166. YANG..MING @stephenkyang (0 comments)

167. YU S..CHEN @sistine-yu (0 comments)

168. JIRA..RIAN @superkaiba (0 comments)

169. BAEK..GYUN @L0Z1K (0 comments)

170. LEE ..GJUN @0nandon (0 comments)

171. KALK..KAUR @gurmankalkat (0 comments)

172. YI D..AEUN @de-yi (0 comments)

173. NG Y..JIAN @ngyongjian (0 comments)

174. MUHA..UJAI @adzikrafi (0 comments)

175. LYU ..NGYU @Zemdalk (0 comments)

176. PINT..AVID @marekpinto (0 comments)

177. TANG..XUAN @tangphi (0 comments)

178. XU J..CHEN @aaronxujiachen (0 comments)

179. SEAN..IAYI @sansders (0 comments)

180. GOH .. YAO @chokyao (0 comments)

181. NICH.. JIE @NicholasChungJunJie (0 comments)

182. THIO..KIAT @Thiolk (0 comments)

183. GERA..GUAN @geraldkoh4 (0 comments)

184. CHEN..NZEL @denzelcjy (0 comments)

185. NIGE.. HAO @nigelhao (0 comments)

186. NATA.. TZE @natashatanyt (0 comments)

187. SAIN.. ZAW @saintzaw (0 comments)

188. ANTH.. YIP @anthea-pr0g (0 comments)

189. ONG ..YUAN @yuanners (0 comments)